unity3d 触控识别 Easy Touch 5 5.0.12 屏幕触控包 EasyTouch

  • unity3d 触控识别 Easy Touch 5 5.0.12 屏幕触控包 EasyTouch
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:4
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  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
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  • 累计热度: 951
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  • 品牌:
  • 货号:5c58818b95c5
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家sch12ljj




Easy Touch 5 Touchscreen Virtual Controls 5.0.8




 Requires Unity 5.2.0 or higher.

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EasyTouch allows you to quickly and easily develop actions based on a touchscreen gesture, joystick , button, DPadn TouchPad with EasyTouch controls. New features of Easy Touch 5 allow a better start for beginners

*All major gestures are recognized by EasyTouch such as tap, double tap, swipe, twist, pinch,multi-touch
* Auto gameobject selection 
* multi-camera
* multi-layer
* Unity UI support
* Built-in PlayerMaker addon
* Joystick 
* DPad 
* TouchPad 
* Button 
* Powerfull API 

EasyTouch 5 new features
* Quick Gesture.
* Build in add-on for PlayMaker 1.8 (beta)
* EasyTouch Controls 2.X
* New syntax to use EasyTouch in Update method.
* Add namespace HedgehogTeam.EasyTouch.
* Add TV_OS from Unity directive. (Unity 5.3)
* Exposes new properties pressure, radius, etc (Unity 5.3)
* Unity 5.3.X support multi-touch with Unity Remote and EasyTouch Controls 2.X.

You have all you need to create your game on mobile device, developed for mobile platforms has never been easier with the second finger simulation

EasyTouch is written in C#, it notifies you of an action by events. The events are sent by delegate system, or you can use the new EasyTouchTrigger component.

